Serving God and Neighbor
"Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion" is the formal title
of laypeople who distribute the Eucharist during Mass.
As the title implies, there are also "ordinary ministers" - those who are literally "ordained" to the ministry namely bishops, priests, and deacons.
These ministers are usually the first in order to distribute the Body and Blood of Christ, the deacon being the customary distributor of the cup.
Our Extraordinary Ministers prayerfully serve the people of St. Benedict's
by aiding in the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ during Eucharistic celebrations and by brininging the Eucharist to
our homebound and sick parishioners.
If you think you may be interested in becoming an Extraordinary Minister
please talk to one of our priests after Mass
or call the Parish Office - 718-828-3403 ext 101.