Serving God and Neighbor
Jesus was baptized and taught his Apostles to do likewise.
Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons and daughters of God. We become members of the Body of Christ as we are incorporated
into the Church and made sharers in her mission.
We can’t wait to welcome your child into
the life of Christ and our Church through Baptism.
St. Benedict's offers family baptisms on most Sunday's of the month
following the 11:00AM Sunday Mass.
To get started, please download and review the documents from the Link below
or stop by the rectory office and pick up the Baptism Guidelines and information.
Once you have reviewed the guidelines and gathered the required documents,
you may call our office to set up a welcome meeting
with one of our priests to schedule your childs Baptism.
Click Here to Review the Guidelines: PARENTS: Baptism Guidelines
To obtain a Sponsor Form, you must visit the Rectory Office during business hours and meet with the priest. Please make certain you are a registered parishioner regularly attending Sunday mass.
We encourage prospective Godparents to review the
Baptism Guidelines by clicking the link:
PARENTS: Baptism Guidelines
718-828-3403 ext 101.